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Lat/Lon: 42º53’56″S, 147º19’59″E
Speed: 00.0 kn / 190°
Distance from start: 15853 Nm

Welcome to the web page dedicated to
the non-stop sailing from
Cape Town, South Africa to Hobart, Australia
around the Antarctic continent,
along, and south of the 60th parallel South.
The voyage started: 23 December 2017
at 06:56:20 hours (UTC),
and finished: 5th April 2018, 05:55:25 (UTC).
No sailor in history managed to circumnavigate Antarctica
so close to the continent and at the same time so fast.
# World Sailing Speed Record Council (WSSRC)
WSSR Performance Certificate 54.
# Guinness World Record (GWR)
First circumnavigation of Antarctica in a sailboat
south of the 60th parallel
The voyage: 102 d., 22 h., 59 m., 5 s.
Antarctic Loop: 72 d., 6 h., 0 m., 0 s.
Completed South of 60° S

The length of the whole route fulfilled:
15853 Nautical miles,
including the lengths of
“Antarctic Loop“
10180 Nautical miles
(sailed south of the 62nd parallel).
The boat: “Katharsis II” – Oyster 72 (22 m)
Crew: Skipper + 8