Third officer on s/y Katharsis II

Michał Barasiński
Yachtmaster, Third officer on s/y Katharsis II
Began university studies in 1986 at the Navigation department of the Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia. This is when he became a seafarer. As a university student, regatta representative of his alma mater on such vessels as Petersen 760R, T, 55, Conrad 777, Rubin, Carter 30, Draco, and Opal. Attended Tall Ships’ Races and internship cruises on the Baltic Sea. Upon graduation, began service aboard the s/s Lech rescue vessel, initially as navigation officer, then commander of the navigation unit. Made deputy commander of the Naval Sailing Training Centre with responsibility for the maintenance and provisioning of the Centre’s yachts. Sailed all seas of Northern Europe when in service at the Centre. Having moved to Warsaw for professional reasons, kept attending internship and recreation cruises yearly.
Having said goodbye to uniformed services ten years ago, did not abandon the sea. Thanks to his friends, co-skippered autumn/winter cruises of s/y Zawisza Czarny. Helped the Polish Tourist Organisation prepare and charter s/y Fryderyk Chopin for purposes of the Year of Chopin celebrations. Since 2009, emotionally close to s/y Katharsis II, and to s/y Katharsis since 2011.
Aboard s/y Katharsis II, took part in the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers 2009, Oyster British Virgin Island Regatta 2010, and Rolex Sydney-Hobart Race 2014, as well as in her polar voyages: the North-West Passage 2012, and the Ross Sea expedition 2015.
Loves skiing, respects the sea, frowns upon mediocrity.
Logged 27,750 nautical miles aboard s/y Katharsis II.