Wojciech Małecki
Yachtmaster, motor cruiser skipper, SRC radio operator
Active Zawisza Brotherhood member until this day. Sailed around 3,000 nautical miles aboard Zawisza in over twenty cruises, mostly as first officer, also as boatswain and mechanic. Organiser and participant of many voyages on the Baltic Sea, Norwegian Sea, Atlantic, and the Mediterranean. His most interesting voyages include a cruise aboard s/y Gedania to the islands of Svalbard and the Barents Sea in 2011, and circumnavigation of the British Isles. His overall nautical mileage during these voyages exceeds 10,000.
Attended all expeditions aboard the Katharsis II. The first one was Ipswich to Canary Islands crossing followed by the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers 2009 to the Caribbean. Part of the crew aboard during the Oyster British Virgin Islands Regatta 2010, and the Rolex Sydney-Hobart Race 2014. Member of the yacht’s polar expeditions: Tahiti to the Antarctic Peninsula via Cape Horn 2010/2011, the North-West Passage 2012, and the Ross Sea 2015.
Logged 30,450 nautical miles aboard s/y Katharsis II.