23 December 2017

Katharsis II Antarctic Expedition started! “ANTARCTICA IS LIKE A MAGNET” (video)

 Port Cape Town V&A Waterfront 23.12.2017 – sail yacht Katharsis II with Captain Mariusz Koper and his (all-Polish) eight-man crew aboard has left Cape Town in South […]
20 December 2017

Waiting is about to end. Katharsis II will embark on the voyage around Antarctica on Saturday morning, 23 December 2017.

20 December 2017 Cape Town V&A Waterfront Marina After a short temporary delay caused by waiting for the suitable weather window and the essential handover of […]
18 December 2017

Preparations for the expedition around the Antarctic on the final stretch. Planned start in the upcoming week!

17.12.2017. V&A Waterfront Marina, Cape Town, South Africa The continuous preparation of the Katharsis II yacht for this voyage took more than a year but in […]
5 December 2017

Less than two weeks before the start of the expedition

Cape Town – Warsaw. From the deck of s/y Katharsis II. (Update) V&A Cape Town Marina. 03.12.2017 Greetings from the deck of the Katharsis II Yacht […]
5 November 2017


The voyage from Madagascar to South Africa took us three weeks. Our yacht, the Katharsis II, arrived at the V&A Waterfront Marina in Cape Town on […]
30 October 2017

The Agulhas Current

Sailing in strong currents can be very exciting. One example is undoubtedly the voyage southwards in the Mozambique Current, which then becomes the Agulhas Current. This […]
23 October 2017

Return to sailing

Being back on deck always makes me very happy and gives me tons of positive energy. This year I spent exceptionally little time on Katharsis II, […]
14 December 2016

Antarctica Had Intrigued People Even Before It Was Discovered

In the course of his first two expeditions, Captain James Cook attempted to prove the existence of a mysterious continent, the Terra Australis – to no […]